Amitryptyline and nortryptiline were originally prescribed for depression, but more recently have been found to be useful to help manage aspects of persistent pain They are mainly aimed at improving the body's own pain pathways that reduce pain transmission- but they may also improve sleep and even make your mood less flat.
We have included 2 patient pamphlets that will help you understand the medications you are taking. Please go to the site of the British Pain Society and our own Medsafe (amitriptyline & Nortryptiline) site for further information on Amitryrptiline and Nortryptiline.
Medsafe Information amitriptyline.pdf
Medsafe Information nortriptyline.pdf
Faculty Pain Medicine (UK) FPM-Amitriptyline_0.pdf
Faculty Pain Medicine (UK) FPM-Nortriptyline_0.pdf